Online Car-Buying Experience | Roadster

Online Car-Buying Experience

Welcome to Da Vinci Automotive's Online Buying Experience! We're delighted to offer you a convenient way to purchase your dream high-end vehicle from the comfort of your own home. Here's how the process works:


Find the Right Ride

Visit our website to explore our diverse collection of high-end vehicles 24/7 on any device. Filter your search based on your preferences, such as make, model, year, and price range. Each listing includes detailed photos, specifications, and pricing information.

View Inventory


Value Your Trade

Considering trading in your current vehicle? Our online tool makes it easy to get an estimate for the value of your trade-in. Simply provide some details about your vehicle, and we'll give you a fair and competitive value.

Get Appraisal


See Upfront Pricing

We believe in transparency. That's why we provide upfront pricing on all our vehicles. You will be provided with a buyer's order so you'll know exactly what you're paying for before making your purchase.


Virtual Vehicle Tours

Experience the next best thing to being physically present with our virtual vehicle tours. Our comprehensive videos showcase the interior, exterior, and key features of each vehicle, allowing you to get a closer look before making a decision.


Schedule a Virtual Consultation

Ready to take the next step? Schedule a virtual consultation with one of our specialists. They'll walk you through the finer details of the vehicle, discuss pricing and financing options, and address any queries you may have.


Shop F&I Products

Enhance your ownership experience by exploring our range of Finance & Insurance products. From extended warranty plans to protection packages, you can customize your coverage to suit your needs.


Reserve Your Vehicle with a Deposit

Found the perfect vehicle? Secure it for yourself by placing a deposit online. Our reservation process ensures that your chosen vehicle is held exclusively for you as you complete the remaining steps of the purchase.


Secure Financing

Our seamless online financing process enables you to complete all necessary paperwork from the comfort of your home. Apply for financing, review terms, and receive approval without the hassle of visiting our dealership in person.


Finalize Your Purchase E-Sign the Deal Sheet

Enjoy ultimate convenience by electronically signing documents such as proof of insurance, income verification, odometer statements and their final deal sheet. Afterward, we can schedule pickup or delivery of your new vehicle.


Vehicle Delivery to Your Doorstep

Sit back and relax as we arrange the delivery of your chosen vehicle to your doorstep. We partner with reputable transport services to ensure a safe and timely delivery, no matter where you are in the United States.


Enjoy Your New Vehicle

Congratulations! Your high-end vehicle from Da Vinci Automotive has arrived. Now you can savor the luxury and performance of your new vehicle without ever leaving your home. Review the delivery documents and make sure that all accessories have been delivered


Visit the Dealership (Optional)

While our online buying process is designed for your convenience, we understand that some customers prefer a personal touch. If you'd like, you're welcome to visit our dealership to see your chosen vehicle in person, meet our team, and take a test drive.

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